Monday, November 8, 2010

Conversion Work: Skaven Plague Claw Catapult

On of the reasons I love playing Skaven is the seemingly endless opportunity for conversion, in the following weeks i'll be showing of some of my skaven conversions.

Ever since picking up the new skaven book last november, I new I would want a plague claw catapult to throw spewing balls of warpstone  into my opponents ranks...however to my dismay there was no model. Finally one night before an upcoming tourney I sat down with my bitz box some empty sprues and a sketch pad and here is what I came up with.

I was reasonably please with the outcome, as you can see it's mostly made from sprues and detailed using various bits. The crew where made from plague monks. For future versions I may add wheels and a chaise and change the shape and structure. I also have some ideas to convert one using various bitz from other kits. As I tackle and complete these projects I will post them to the blog.

When I painted it I wanted it to really feel dirty, and blotchy to represent the feeling of plague and filth, to achieve this I used an ink and wash method I've used on my other clan pestilence models.
I'll go into more detail later this week, but basically I painted the model white and some browns and applied a heavy dose of inks and washes and then finished up with the detailing.

This conversion is currently on sale on e-bay check it out and here make an offer.

Want a catapult or other converted piece done for your army contact me, I'll make your dream a reality!

 Later this week: Plague Monks and my experiment!
 Next week : Conversion Work: Skaven Plague Censer Bearers!

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